Our current and past clients represent a range of state, national and international industries and interests.
- AgChoice Farm Credit
- American Mushroom Institute
- Bayer U.S.- CropScience Division
- Bounty Minerals
- Center for Beef Excellence
- Charles Jacquin et Cie Inc.
- Children's Service Center
- Community Awareness Committee
- Coral Reef Partners
- CNH Industrial (Case New Holland)
- Dairy Policy Action Coalition
- Deer Creek Malt
- Education Affiliates
- Empire Education Group
- Energy Systems and Installation
- Feeding PA
- Frecon Farms
- Gypsum Agricycle
- Hain Pure Protein
- Halliburton
- Hankin Solar
- Horizon Farm Credit
- International Agribusiness Group
- International Dairy Foods Association
- Keystone Biofuels, Inc.
- The Marketplace at Steamtown
- McElhanney Family Farms
- MidAtlantic Farm Credit
- Monsanto
- National Strategies, LLC
- Northeast Equipment Dealers Association
- Organix
- PA Ag Surplus System
- PA Association of Conservation Districts
- PA Forestry Association
- PA No-Till Alliance
- PA Pest Management Association
- PA Pharmacy Association
- PA State Grange
- PA Winery Association
- Pennsylvania Association of Agricultural Educators
- Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Landowner Alliance
- Perdue AgriBusiness Incorporated
- Perdue Farms
- Philadelphia Association of Regional Druggists
- Professional Crop Producers Conference
- Renewables Work for PA Coalition
- Risser Grain
- River Valley School District
- RyeCO
- Stonehenge Capital Company
- Susquehanna Aquacultures Inc.
- Table Trust Brands
- University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
- USA Gypsum – Agri Marketing, Inc.
- Value Drug Company
- Wine and Spirits Brokers of PA
- Wine Institute