Versant Strategies COO Caleb Wright Joins two Statewide Board

December 4, 2017

Caleb Wright, Chief Operating Officer of Versant Strategies, has been elected to the Penn State University College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society Board.  In addition, he was appointed to the PA FFA Foundation Board of Trustees.  Wright oversees the day to day operations of Versant Strategies, Pennsylvania’s leading public affairs firm specializing in agriculture, rural affairs, education and environmental issues. While at Penn State, Wright was named the inaugural Harkins Family Emerging Leader Award recipient.

As a board member of the Alumni Society, Wright will work to promote opportunities for students in the college and support their transition into the workplace.  The Alumni Society recognizes students through internship awards as well as scholarships.  Further the Board facilitates career day workshops and serves as mentors for current students and recent graduates.  Wright, who was elected to serve a three-year term on the Board, has become a frequent presenter in Penn State classes and organizational meetings.

The PA FFA Foundation raises funds to support agricultural education and the FFA Organization in Pennsylvania.  The Foundation Board consists of industry leaders from across the Commonwealth who meet quarterly to provide direction and support.  Wright was a former state FFA officer and a national officer candidate. 

Wright hails from a Huntingdon County sheep farm where he continues to breed and exhibit nationally recognized polled Dorset sheep.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Dr. MeeCee Baker 717-860-8463

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